Friday, May 19, 2017

Life gets in the way, but I will not let it ruin me!

I know it has been a while, and I send my apologies. I was known for making a lot of excuses before...which is what got me so unhealthy, so I don't want to pepper you with reasons why things have been wonky around here and why I didn't blog as much as I wanted to. However, I do want to explain some of the things going on in my life and why I am feeling extremely proud that they did not cause me to fail, as they probably would have in the past.

I lost my job. My dream job. *sigh* I was told a few weeks ago, on a Monday morning when I was feeling lovely about myself and about life, that after July 1st of this year, they would no longer be renewing my contract. I am not going to lie and say that I was shocked to my core or anything, budget cuts to the state have caused a lot of layoffs and we had a feeling we might be next. But how it happened was kind of shocking. I was brought into a conference room with my boss and I was sat next to the university's HR representative. I was handed a paper and explained to, briefly, why they chose not to renew my contract and that I had the rest of the day to collect my things and continue to work from home for the next two months. WOW. I want to say, right away, I feel ZERO animosity towards anyone at my job, the decision to lay off three interpreters is honestly just good business from a monetary standpoint. We didn't have enough work to spread out and with all the budget problems, it did make sense to me. That doesn't change the fact that it has/will negatively impact my life, and my mother's too. She was laid off at the same time I was, along with one other co-worker. So, needless to say things have been a little crazy. My mom now has to move, because she will no longer be able to afford to live where she is now (that, and they are selling the house that she is renting). 

The good news is, this has given me a lot of time to work on skills that might land me another good job. That is yet to be seen, but all I can do is try. And try I shall. 

During all the craziness, I have not let my healthy lifestyle change in any way! If anything, I have been working out harder! The strange thing is, while I was eating well and working blood sugars slowly began to rise, for reasons unknown. I worked with a nutritionist and a doctor to look at my food logs to see what I may be doing wrong, and they both said that I was eating exactly how a diabetic should eat, and they were a little baffled. So, they suggested a low carbohydrate diet to help to get my situation under control. I don't love being on a "diet", but I decided to read up on the different types of low carb diets and see what I might be able to do. My masseuse that I go to occasionally (thanks to my hubby for the gift cards!) said that he had a lot of success from the Keto diet. I am not going to dive into explaining what it means...other than it is extremely low carb, moderate protein, and high fat. None of which makes sense of why it would work lol, but it does apparently. 

I decided to start this Monday. I am now five days into Keto and although I do not love is working! I have lost more weight, which is great because I was in the middle of a plateau, and my blood sugars are dropping and seem to be stabilizing to where they were before! I have explained to people, even though I do not love this low carb thing, I will enjoy whenever I go back to my regular change of will feel like a cake walk compared to this! Keto has been really, really difficult! Trying to get the amount of healthy fats into my diet while nearly eliminating all of the delicious carbs that I crave (Even veggies have carbs! F*cking hell) feels impossible some days, but I am doing it. I smelled bread the other day walking near a cafeteria and I almost cried! LOL.

That, in a nutshell, is what is going on right now. Hopefully I can update soon on the amount of weight loss while on Keto...I haven't weighed myself on the gym scale yet, which is the one I use for accuracy. 

Stay tuned...

Love, peace, and chicken grease! 


  1. Love you sweetie! I'll keep you in my prayers! You inspire me so much.

    1. You are such a sweetheart Tami! I thank you for all of your amazing support! Love you
