Saturday, August 19, 2017


This week has been a crazy emotional week, for extremely personal reasons that I don't want to dive too much into...

The surprising thing is I have stayed active and I have not went crazy on the food. I am a bit surprised, but happy. Hopefully I will continue to lose slowly like I have been in the last couple weeks. Any non-gaining makes me happy though, at this point.

Today was a meeting for the diabetes support group that I had attended before (it is over now, sadly) but they wanted a focus group to go over the pros and cons, which I was happy to do. It honestly was mostly pros and last week I got the results of my blood work that were required to be in the program. I was SHOCKED and surprised at how good the results were. To me it just means, I am still doing okay and I should not matter how hard it is, it is worth it to keep going. Even when I slip up, my body is still in better shape because of all the work I have put into it before, a slip up doesn't erase that. That is exactly what I needed to understand right now. 


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